Mobile Irony

Just a quick thought: isn’t it slightly ironic that the new TLD(Top Level Domain) for mobile devices is .mobi, considering that it’s longer than your typical .com/.net/.org, and thus requires punching more keys on your device (which is one of the biggest hassles I face when using the web on my BlackBerry Pearl) and makes…

Massive Browsing

I am, by no means, a software developer. Every program I wrote in my CS classes in university ended in complete and utter failure (My shining moment of pride was the day my command line calculator project crashed the Sun I was working on). But I sure do use a lot of software, and I…

Returning to Your Roots

I grew up addicted to sports. Not so much to the actual playing of sports, but more so to the watching and statistical memorisation of said sports. I had everyone’s baseball card, and I knew their stats by heart. If asked, I could spout off the ERA of the White Sox bullpen–the left handed pitchers–against teams coming off a three game series at home.

Ben Harper and Jack Johnson at Deer Valley

As the midday sun beat down on my bare legs, I thought to myself, why does it seem different this time? I have been to hundreds of concerts in my time, yet somehow this seemed all together different. Gone were the droves of incessant “tough guy” types that accompany nearly every show I’ve ever been to. You know the type: stone faces and bad attitudes. Their appearance tends to vary from scene to scene and year to year.


I hold the protective cases made by iSkin in very high esteem. I’ve had them on my last two iPods, and they’ve performed admirably. The same, however, cannot be said of the company’s online store and shipping department. My first purchase of an iSkin (and evo1, i believe) was through a third party online store…

Opening the box

This morning, Derek at work asked if I’d heard about Pandora. Without thinking, the first words out of my mouth were “What… like the box?” He let me know that Pandora is, in fact, a new service from the Music Genome Project (most likely soon to be eaten up by someone like Yahoo or Google)…