Personalized Postage Revisited

So, I ran across something new in regards to the whole personalized postage debacle I mentioned a month or so ago., the purveyors of personal postage, or stamps you can order with whichever picture you please, announced new limitations upon what pictures are now deemed acceptable. Due to some folks messing about with edgy…

Buy(.com) and wait

On the 19th, I saw a link to a nifty little USB flash drive, complete with a $20 rebate (rendering the 64MB drive only $12), and free shipping to boot! Seemed like a good deal, so I purchased the drive and downloaded the rebate form. And waited. And waited. And waited some more. I do…

Digital Convergence

The Following was written in Autumn 2003 Let’s get something clear straight away: I am a technophile. I always have and always will love technology and little gadgets. The newest and coolest electronics were always on my list to Santa as a child. Needless to say, I was a very expensive child to shop for.…