So I bought a new hard drive the other day (a 250GB Maxtor drive for 130 bucks! Thank you CompUSA), and I decided to put it in my Firewire 800 external case, which had previously housed my 120GB external drive (I’d throw it in my G5, but that requires SATA drives…). With both drives in…
Category: Tech
Digital Convergence
The Following was written in Autumn 2003 Let’s get something clear straight away: I am a technophile. I always have and always will love technology and little gadgets. The newest and coolest electronics were always on my list to Santa as a child. Needless to say, I was a very expensive child to shop for.…
I am a code monkey
Still in the middle of being a code whore. Needed to try out some extra sections to see how they show up. These first few entries are a real snore, I know… but stuff it… I need to do them.