Sans Laptop

I bid a fond fairwell today to my faithful Apple Powerbook. After 2.5 years together, we decided to part ways. Okay, that sounds enough like a break up for me. Yes, I sold my trusty Powerbook, and today I shipped it to the great white north to it’s excited new owner. I’m sad to see the laptop go, but I’m in need of a new LCD (and by that, I mean a BIG new LCD), and the laptop was seeing less and less use. Luckily, it’ll be in good hands. The new owner seems to be an absolute sweetheart, and I’m excited for her to have it.

Alas, all is not well…

Apparently, Canada’s customs office just recently came off of strike, and thus, they have a HUGE task ahead of them—catching up with the backlog of packages going through customs. I just learned of this as I attempted to ship my precious cargo to the new owner in BC. Not a good thing to find out as you have to ship something to a waiting buyer. I feel awful, as there could be potential weeks added to the shipping time… insane! We’re not talking about shipping to Australia (an interesting process, I can tell you), or some crazy war torn country…


You know, our friendly neighbours to the north. The ones that never feel the urge to bomb random countries. The people behind hockey, Labatt’s Blue and Strange Brew. CANADA! I can pretty much just drive across the border without much more than a quick “Where ya from? Got any fruit?” CANADA… and yet there has to be a customs process. I’m sure I’m blowing things completely out of proportion. If Canada is anything, it’s efficient. But the idea of being able to get my person across the border with more ease than a simple computer… well, it boggles the mind.

Anyway, cross your fingers that it gets through in a timely manner.

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