
Tired GregYeah, I normally don’t make “personal” posts on this site (or so my aunt tells me), but I haven’t posted much recently, so I figure “What the hell…”


Friday, we hosted an “engagement party” for my brother and his fiancé. Big social gatherings are always awkward for me… hanging with my relatives is cool, but a bunch of people I’ve never met, and most likely won’t see for another 5-10 years or more (if ever)? Ah well, maybe I’m selfish… just seems awkward. “Hi… who are you? Why are you in my house? Well, here, have some food and ignore me the rest of the night! Thanks!”

I know… I’m a dork.

Now, if it was a party for me… no, wait… I’m more of the “I know the people at my party” type. So sue me. And if you’re reading this and you were at the party, I don’t mean you. I must know you well enough for you to be reading this…

My little write-up on my brother’s engagement was discovered by my mother, and so was appropriated for a commemorative book, despite my attempts to discourage such usage. Perhaps I should sue my mom for copyright infringement…


Ashley hijacked my cameraOkay, this is the hostage bit. Ash and I went on a music expedition Saturday evening. Let’s just say Virgin Mega Store is kind of pricey, but they have much better selection than my local BestBuy. I got some new CDs while we were there… Ashley was smart and bought the one’s she wanted when we went to Greywhale. Used CDs = cheaper. I’m brilliant.

We then proceeded to watch Joel Taylor play a show at a local coffee shop. I’d never seen him play, and despite a few mess ups (he apparently hadn’t played a show in a long time, so I understand), he did a great job. He played some original songs (some with his dad, which was cool), and threw in quite a few covers, including some of my favourite Elliot Smith songs. He also played some really slick Radiohead covers… much to the enjoyment of the crowd. If you have a few minutes, you should check his stuff out.

The rest of the night consisted of Ashley taking me hostage in my own house. The way she tells it, you’d think I took her hostage, but we all know who to believe, right? Yep. Her Me. All I can say is how many kidnappers let you mess around with cool instruments and electronics and let you run borrow a heap of awesome DVDs? I should win a “Kidnapper of the Year” award.

Oh, wait… I forget. She kidnapped me. Right. Yeah.

So, what did you kids get up to this weekend (and what are your plans for spring break, if you’re on it)? Now is a great time to post a comment on the site, all you lurkers, if you haven’t before. Don’t be shy. I don’t bite.


  1. OK you shamed me into it………a comment, but don’t expect much. The personal stuff…much more fun to read… keep it up! Wish I had spring break plans… it sucks to get old!!

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