
It is with great pleasure (and a boat load of relief) that I announce the opening of the first site from my era at Seminar Central: UtahSpeedDating. Leaving aside my position on hip and trendy methods of dating (I prefer the more traditional approach), I must say I’m glad this site is done and out there. Mostly because it’ll allow me to focus my creativity on other projects.

When I came to SC near the end of June, they were in dire need of some CSS-based design goodness. It was a long, arduous process (if you’ve ever heard of “design by committee” you’ll know exactly what I mean), but the site finally went live last week. There are still a few little bugs and some member… excuse me… Passport (must keep the marketing speak up) features are still being finished up by our data folks, but by and large, the foundation and walls are done, the dry wall is up, and a fresh coat of paint is drying.

Like everything I work on, the site is written in XHTML, with CSS for style, PHP for magic, and Javascript for client-side trickery. A first for me is working with Filemaker Server on the DB end—hallelujah I’m not the one who deals with all the DB logic.

The end result is a fresh site that should provide the best possible option for Utahns who seek to embroil themselves in the wild world of SpeedDating (once again, marketing-speak… notice the camel caps).

I’ve just started on designs for some new sites involving credit repair… stay tuned for details.