Soundtrack to Version Three

iTunes iMix Album Art

Since the site is new and you’re still getting to know each other, I thought I’d send some mood music your way. Give some of these tracks a try, and get comfy. Maybe flash knowing looks at each other. The site’s up for it. It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to quit grinning already: mix one… because that grinning git is probably staring at you as well. So just clickity-click that cluster of album covers and get going.


When I get some free time to do some more illustrating, I may change up the floating head of grins. I could already include the Belligerent Liquored-up version, but, well… maybe not while I’m job hunting. Oh, and if you consider buying any of the tracks, give first thought toward Tolchock Trio, TaughtMe, The Brobecks or Slender Means–bands I’m (uh no, name drop alert!) friends with.