I guess the real question is this: What were you doing when you heard that Barack Obama was elected to become the 44th president of the United States?
Here’s what Sabrina and I were doing:
We went to Kidd Valley for a quick cheeseburger. We’d been following the results trickle in via the web for a few hours, and we figured we’d better get some food in our bodies before what we thought would be a long night of gritting our teeth. I loaded up “msnbc.com”:http://msnbc.com on my iPhone, just to check in while we ate, and saw that McCain had picked up Nebraska. Oh well, I thought, and set the phone down. About two minutes later, I picked it back up.
Neil Diamond was singing “Girl, you’ll be a woman soon” on the PA at the burger joint. My fries were still scaldingly hot, my burger half finished. I hit reload on my iPhone, and it happened:
I looked up at Sabrina. “What?” she said. “It says Obama won!” I said, gobsmacked, expecting this election to take longer to close. “Already! YAAAAAY!” Sabrina proclaimed.
We are two very happy, excited people.
What were you doing?
I turned on the TV when I woke up to check the news on teletext. After seeing that Obama won, I happily proceeded to eat breakfast.