Okay, so I normally hate those pesky memes that spread across the intertube (Garrett, I’m just saying it that way to “push buttons”:http://log.maniacalrage.net/post/23459629), and lord knows it’s probably because I’m usually the last one in on it. Anyhoo, my friend Christine happened to post a fun little meme on her LiveJournal (people still use LJ?)…
Category: Huh?
Got It Goin’ On
Well, the B does stand for Brett…
Let’s Dive Deeper
Okay, so I’m watching Leno (you have to do something while you wait for Conan to come on) talk about how Italian he is with some guest when they cut to the adverts. Since I’m also working on something in Photoshop (revised “Create”:http://gregorybowers.com/create section, if you were wondering), I don’t immediately mute for the commercials.…
LIGHTEN UP! See also: coverage of “marketing campaign mistaken for terrorism.”:http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/02/01/boston.bombscare/index.html
Gold Rocket Horse
On his first million. GirlFriend: So you’re going to buy me a pony, right? BoyFriend: No, I’m going to buy ME a pony. Made of gold. With rockets. GF: And then with the rest you’re going to buy me a pony, right? BF: I don’t think there will be anything left after I get my…
What are you trying to say, Amazon?
Mark it
It’s somewhat odd that I’ve come to the point where I use RSS feeds to bookmark sites I want to revisit, and bookmarks to advertise sites I think other people should visit, but I’ll probably never look at again…
A late night thought
Whoever said “Everyone dies alone” obviously never considered plane crashes.
Maybe it’s just me, but I’m starting to wonder when the Beta Band are going to capitalise on the whole Web 2.0 thing…
Over Fed
Subheading: Zeldman misses anniversary, requests wife set up RSS feed to remind him. Before the web standards geeks skin me alive, realise this is good natured ribbing. You have to admit that the “RSS feeds solve every problem” idea may be a bit… uh… over the top, though. Please don’t turn feeds into the new…