2022 in music

Wherein our protagonist chooses their top picks in the past year of music listening and epic album buying. Sadly, in the last few years my only blog posts have been these, the yearly lists. Even now, I’m only writing this on 31 Dec 2022, knowing full well I likely won’t publish this before midnight. But…

iTunes Plus Price drop?

There are “reports”:http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/news/comments/099-drm-free-tracks-appear-on-itunes/11667 that $0.99 iTunes Plus (you know, the DRM free variety) tracks have been popping up at the iTunes Store. “John Gruber”:http://daringfireball.net/linked/2007/october#mon-15-plus speculates that it’s either a mistake (doubtful, having looked around, noticed all “Sub Pop releases”:http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=263615298&s=143441 are the same), the introduction of variable single pricing (not entirely impossible… there are still a…


Today I set up a playlist on my mac of nothing but Mark Kozelek tracks, and I’ve been reminded how fantastic the Tiny Cities album is. I’m a pretty big Modest Mouse fan, and hearing Kozelek’s take on Isaac’s lyrics… well, let’s just say the songs feel completely new, and a few kind of give…


You know, I really despise the fact that iTunes’ “Just for you” feature, due to the simple fact that I’ve told it I own a heafty bit of Elliot Smith records, automatically assumes I love Bright Eyes and want to listen to everything Mr. Oberst has ever put out (which, sadly, is about four million…