If you’re not familiar, Austin is not well-enough-known as the allergen capitol of Texas. People talk about Cedar Fever, when cedar trees shake one out and everyone’s faces spontaneously explode. That part is well known. But when you’re me, everything triggers your allergies. To save my ass, I’m on two inhalers, some epic nasal spray,…
Keep your chin up
Wherein our author talks about unsuccessfully blogging and rekindling excitement in dark times.
Mastering Hexadecimal color codes
Let’s understand what those 6 character codes we’ve been putting in our spec and CSS actually mean.
Moving on from your destiny
My history with my hometown of Salt Lake City is storied and less than rosy. I won’t bore you with that right now, but when I left—for a second time—even my mother, who clings to hope of the return to anything and everything in past tense, felt it was appropriate and fitting that I leave…
Some mild WP hacking in progress
Things will look a little broken while I sort out some discrepancies between my development and production environments. God, I sound like such a nerd. Good thing no one reads this. Update: I just imported my past two blogs worth of posts. Expect some unrendered textile formatting in posts. I’ll get to it.
The never-ending struggle of blogging
Wherein I complain about how hard it is to effectively complain online.
Return of the grump
Jay and I were talking the other day. As practitioners of the dark art of “user experience,” we contemplated the connection between our field and our natural ability to seem in a constant state of complaint. “It’s not like we do it negatively…” “I know! We’re trying to help!” The topic eventually led to the…
It’s been a while. Again.
So my last post to this blog was nearly 6 years ago. And it was about the iPhone 3GS, and people complaining about prices. My how things change. At the time I was just starting with TeachStreet. I was engaged and a year away from marrying my wife. I was fresh from a major surgery…
“Wait, they want more money?”
So by now, everyone has heard of the iPhone 3GS. Yippee. Looks snazzy and has upgraded features. Since I’m still on my original spec iPhone (well, 16GB EDGE iPhone to be exact), it’ll most likely be my next phone upgrade. In fact, a lot of people want to upgrade to the 3GS. But there is…
Equality in commitment
A good friend of mine in California sent a group message via Facebook regarding today’s ruling on Proposition 8, the banning of same-sex marriage in that state. I just wanted to share a few thoughts on commitment to a person, and why we should not hinder its existence. While we here in WA don’t have…